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Not yet a member?
Learn about becoming a member in Mercy Care Medicaid plans or Mercy Care Advantage.
Learn about becoming a member in Mercy Care Medicaid plans or Mercy Care Advantage.
What’s covered and who benefits

What’s covered and who benefits
We can spend the SUBG funds or “pass them through” to providers that help people in the community who need covered services for SUDs.
Those who can take part are uninsured:
- Adults with an SUD
- Youth with an SUD
Some groups that use these services include:
- Pregnant women and youth who use drugs by injection (always receive services)
- Pregnant women and youth who use substances (always receive services)
- Other people who use drugs by injection (always receive services)
- Women and youth who use substances and have dependent children and families. That includes women trying to regain custody of their children (when funds allow)
- Other people with an SUD, no matter their gender or route of use (when funds allow)
You may need outpatient or residential treatment. Your providers do all they can for your whole health, including your:
- Behavioral health (mental health and SUDs)
- Physical health (health of your body)
This is called integrated care.
Outpatient (behavioral health home) treatment
Outpatient treatment lets people live at home when not in treatment. You can:
- Stay in school
- Keep working
- Handle other personal tasks
You can go to group or individual therapy sessions each week. You can also meet with a mental health provider and receive medicine.
Residential treatment and referrals
For some providers, you don’t need a referral. So you can contact them on your own or you can contact Mercy Care Member Services for help.
Just call us at 602-586-1841 or 1-800-564-5465 (TTY 711). We’re here for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Residential treatment includes live-in care in a stable setting. The treatment may last for one month to one year. It’s best for people:
- Without a stable place to live or work
- With little or no family support in treatment
- With very serious disorders who haven’t been able to get and stay sober or drug free in other treatment
Providers and resources
Providers for outpatient treatment
You don’t need a referral for this type of treatment. Here are some outpatient providers you can contact:
Chicanos Por La Causa
Centro de La Familia Outpatient Services
Jewish Family and Children’s Services
Centralized scheduling: 602-258-6797
Lifewell Behavioral Wellness
Arizona Women's Recovery Center (formerly NCADD)
Only serving women
Native American Connections
Southwest Behavioral & Health Services
Touchstone Health Services
Valle del Sol
Main: 602-258-6797
Call center: 602-523-9312
Providers for Gila and Pinal counties
Pinal County
Community Partners Integrated Health
Helping Associates
Transitional Living Center
Gila County
Horizon Health and Wellness
Southwest Behavioral & Health Services
Community Bridges
Need help finding a provider? Just call us at 602-586-1841 or 1-800-564-5465 (TTY 711). We’re here for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Providers for residential treatment
You can reach out to one of these providers:
Chicanos Por La Causa
Corazon Men’s Substance Abuse Residential Services
Lifewell Behavioral Wellness
Accepts children up to age 6 and women
Native American Connections
Accepts children up to age 6 and women
Clinic: 602-424-2060
Need help finding a provider? Just call us at 602-586-1841 or 1-800-564-5465 (TTY 711). We’re here for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
MAT for substance use disorders (SUDs)
MAT means using approved medication to treat SUDs (opioids and alcohol). It works best with counseling or behavioral therapies.
You’ll want to tell your other providers if you get help with MAT. You have the best chance of success when all your providers know what’s going on with you. That way, they can work together to make sure you get the care you need, when you need it. This is called coordination of care.
Need to learn more about MAT? Just visit our MAT page.
Providers who use MAT
You don’t need a referral to get help with MAT. Here are some providers you can call:
24/7 providers who use MAT
Community Bridges, Inc.
24/7 opioid treatment on demand
Community Medical Services
24/7 opioid treatment on demand
Intensive Treatment Systems
24/7 opioid treatment on demand
Other providers who use MAT
BAART Behavioral Health Services
Center for Behavioral Health
New Hope Behavioral Health
Southwest Behavioral & Health Services
Need help finding a provider? Just call us at 602-586-1841 or 1-800-564-5465 (TTY 711). We’re here for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Community Bridges, Inc.
Need help finding a provider? Just call us at 602-586-1841 or 1-800-564-5465 (TTY 711). We’re here for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Hushabye Nursery
Medical detox nursery for babies born with neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS) or neonatal opioid withdrawal syndrome (NOWS) and outpatient family services
Community Bridges Center for Hope
Long-term supported housing and services for pregnant women experiencing homelessness
Arizona Women’s Recovery Center
Housing and services for women with children, pregnant women and single women experiencing homelessness
Need help finding a provider? Just call us at 602-586-1841 or 1-800-564-5465 (TTY 711). We’re here for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
- Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS) Medical Policy Manual (AMPM):
- AMPM Policy 320-T1 ( (PDF): AHCCCS policies governing Non-Title 19/21 behavioral health services funded by block and discretionary grants
- AMPM Policy 320-T2 ( (PDF): AHCCCS policies governing Non-Title 19/21 behavioral health services funded by Non-Title 19/21 non-federal funding through Mercy Care RBHA (excluding block and discretionary grants)
- AMPM Policy 300, Exhibit 300-2B, AHCCCS Covered Non-Title 19/21 Behavioral Health Services (PDF): AHCCCS policies on covered Non-Title 19/21 behavioral health services
- Non-Title Enrollment Reference Guide (PDF): how to set up Non-Title enrollment for members
- Crisis/State Only Membership Reference Guide (PDF): how to set up enrollment for crisis and/or state-only services for a titled member
More about SUBG
You can learn more about SUBG.
Questions? Email us. Or call 602-586-1841 or 1-800-564-5465 (TTY 711). We’re here for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Are you or someone you know in crisis?
Visit our crisis services page. Or get help right away:
- Call 1-844-534-HOPE (1-844-534-4673)
- Text HOPE to 4HOPE (44673)
Community resources
Check this community resource guide to help you and your family stay healthy at every stage of life. Find resources for parents and children, help for disabilities or support for veterans and tribal communities.